The future Mrs...

Hello & happy Monday! Last week, we mentioned  that there are some fun things brewing in the Paper Moss office and today I'm excited to get a little personal with y'all and kick off the week with one of the latest developments! My man {whom I refer to every so often} popped the question a week ago on Friday!!! I've been wanting to gush with you all about this development but needed to make sure that we called family and friends before we entered it into the blogosphere. While I'm waiting for the right time to share the story of our proposal, I will say that through some serious plotting & scheming, I was lured to one of my favorite places on earth: The Ocean House.


As if I wasn't already obsessed with this place, having the man of my dreams ask me to be his wife {on their private beach!} really sealed the deal. So until further notice when I can dish the details & share some photos by our dear friend Mikhail Glabets, here's a little selfie we snapped while sitting on the beach...

Stay tuned for the full, uber romantic story ;)