Weekend Inspiration

It's been an exciting week and I hope yours has been equally as wonderful as mine! This weekend, let's be 100% devoted to finding inspiration through relaxing and re-charging, shall we?

Turn up those tunes

Make a new playlist or Spotify station with songs that inspire and relax. I don't know about you, but whenever I carve out time to just chill and listen to music, I feel all sorts of refreshed. And obviously I advocate for this to be done while sipping coffee... or tea if that's your thing. :)



Go for a walk and try to make it during sunrise or sunset to see the world illuminated in a light that we rarely make time to appreciate. It even SOUNDS refreshing, don't you think? Just do it, you know you want to!



Take in a nice view

In my case, it will be something beachy but wherever you're at whether surrounded by mountains, a lake or in the middle of a booming city, seek out a beautiful spot and spend some time in silence. No looking at instagram or Facebook, OK? Just breathe and relax...


Happy weekending!