Rev up your Monday


There is no denying that Monday's can be pretty tough, no matter how much you love your job. Raise your hand if you're dragging a little extra today {our hands are up…} and if you're in that camp, take our advice to add some oomph to your day:

1. Run to the nearest market or flower shop and buy some pretty, sweet smelling blooms to brighten up your desk space!

2. On your way back, grab a little pick-me-up beverage! Green tea, juice or sparkling water will help you re-hydrate & give your body the boost you need. If possible, sip from a straw!

3. Turn up some tunes. We love Spotify {if you didn't notice} and their suggestions for new artists has breathed new life into countless days.

4. Do a mini office work out. Yea, you think we're crazy… and perhaps we are. :) But in all seriousness, go into a conference room to do some stretching, jumping jacks and {outfit permitting} some push-ups! Getting the blood flowing will change your mood and make you more productive.

Happy Monday, lovelies!