Etsy crush: Oelwein

Happy Monday! How was your St. Patrick's Day weekend?! As promised, mine was low key with a steady intake of Lucky Charms. It was just what the doctor ordered! Today, I'm excited to share a little Etsy shop design crush that I've been enamored with for weeks now. France based, Oelwein rolls out bright, kitschy, patterned items that are perfect little gifts or fun treasures for the home. These are things you likely won't stumble upon in your local boutique...

Obviously the Ohlala tote bag is among my faves, but that neon pink antler dishtowel is kind of awesome, don't you think? Oelwein is reminding us of how much we LOVE patterns and NEED some more color in every day. On that note, here's to hoping that you have a bright and cheerful Monday!