Playlist: Merry & Bright

It's the last official weekend before Christmas! How are you fairing?! We still have a million things to do and are determined not to spend the remainder of this festive season stressed out of our minds. Here's a little playlist that we put together to help things stay merry & bright in the midst of the madness. :) Just click the play button and get ready for some merriment! 

Happy weekending, loves!


Your weekend jam

{give it a listen}

Thank heavens, the weekend is here! I'm not going to hide it, I am SO EXCITED! My mom is visiting from Seattle for a few days and we're long overdue for some mother-daughter time. Cooking, shopping, pedicures, movies, eating out… yep, that's what my weekend will look like. :)

What do you have planned? To help wrap up the last few hours of work before the weekend, enjoy rocking out to our latest Spotify playlist, IV.

Happy weekending!

Lovely tunes

 Love Sweet Love

Cranking up some good music is a necessity in the Paper Moss office. To help the latter part of the week sail by, we've put together a list of some of our favorite no-so-sappy love songs. There is a time and a place for those sweet slow songs, but this is not it, friends! We hope you enjoy bobbing your head to the likes of Allen Stone, Lorde, Capitol Cities and more!!

Paper Moss Playlist: Mountains


This playlist has been in the works for a while now, slowly adding tracks here and there, and today I think it's finally ready for a debut! I'm often wanting to feel cozy while I'm in the office, so I started making a list of songs that make me feel that way, and here you have it! Mountains. I'm sure there will be names you know and names you don't, but that is the point! Sharing great music and finding new things.

What would you add to the list? We're listening!


PS- We updated our Holiday playlist too!

Playlist I | A New Paper Moss Series

We are really excited to be starting this new series here on Pearls for Paper! We are listening to some "get-a-ton-of-work-done-/i-don't-know-how-we-can-get-it-all-done-in-one-day" type of music right this very moment. Needless to say, we have been a-workin this morning.

Playlist one is a little mix of acoustic fun and love. It is a good one to listen to if you need a pick-me-up. Or while you're making cupcakes- there would be so much happiness!

See the Spotify playlist here!