It's happening...

Tomorrow is Valentines Day and while for some this brings butterflies, for others this brings a tinge of pain at the anticipation. I was reading an article the other day that stated that Valentines Day is the most loved and most hated holiday. Goodness, I have been on both sides of the spectrum and feel compelled to rant a little bit in attempt to get a healthy dose of perspective. :)

If you have a special date planned with your significant other, be excited! Embrace it!! But remember that tomorrow really isn't anything other than a Hallmark holiday. What you do on Valentines Day doesn't necessarily define your relationship... it's the other 364 days that truly matter. Make those days count. And for those dreading the day all together, I completely understand. It's a little ridiculous how much focus is put on the holiday being about romantic love. If you're recently divorced or going through a break up, if your significant other is deployed or if you're just plain TIRED of waiting for the *right* one to come along (I've been there!), please remember that you are still so incredibly deeply loved. In either scenario, we shouldn't depend on one other person for validation of our importance, our worth is much bigger than that! So regardless of which boat you're in this year, we want to challenge you to celebrate EVERYONE in your life that you love. Friends, parents, grandparents, siblings, roommates. Tell them how much they mean to you & celebrate the ways they have blessed you!! 

I love this gorgeous quote designed by Saffron Avenue for Lark & Linen!! Check out the other cute stationery on the Saffron Avenue shop!!