Invitation stuffing

The wedding planning is in full swing and your invitations are en route. After the brainstorming, the custom design rounds, choosing fonts, choosing paper, selecting stamps & arranging for addressing, the time to stuff & send is finally here! Well we figured that rather than making you figure out how to stuff your invites on your own, we'd lend a hand and try to simplify the process. No, it doesn't take a rocket scientist, but there indeed is etiquette involved and that cannot be messed with. Soooo, that being said, here's the scoop:

For more insights and specifications on stuffing, visit Emily Post! Oh, we should also add that once everything has been addressed, assembled and sealed (suggested in that order) we advise that you take back to the post office and drop off by hand to avoid any error. We do not suggest dropping them off in the blue postal bins. One can never be too safe with such pretty paper!!