For the Rhody's

For all you Rhode Islanders, be sure and pick up the December issue of Rhode Island Monthly for a list of fabulous holiday cards {featuring yours truly} and pages of gorgeous winter coastal scenes. Big thanks to the editors for their support of local designers! Order your holiday cards from Paper Moss & receive 10% off when mentioning our feature in RI Monthly!


*Order your monthly subscription at

She Said Yes!

The lovely Jacin from She Said Yes {one of our blog-friends} asked us to guest blog for her Fall Inspiration series. The entire series has been fantastic so far- she covers all bases from decor to favors to festive drinks and fall cakes. Check it out, even if you're not planning an Autumn wedding... you'll find fun, unique ideas that might lend an excuse to host an impromptu party!

Paper Moss decided to share some ideas to gracefully side - step the stereotypical fall wedding invitation. There are countless ways to create a seasonally appropriate motif without being confined to a fall color palate or standard fall designs {pumpkins, leaves or scarecrows}. Tracy and Kevin's invitation suite is just one of our examples that we share for our part in the Fall Inspiration series.

See the rest and learn how we arrived at each of the final designs. For the full effect, check out our guest post. Thanks She Said Yes, for letting us share our love for paper and design. Blog to you soon! {hahahah, bad joke?}

*Photos courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

Addressing 101

If you caught our post on Friday, maybe you were ooo-ing and awe-ing at the art of hand calligraphy right there along with us. If calligraphy isn't in your budget or if it's not your style, there are certainly other options. If you choose to do your own addressing, here is everything you need to know to make it happen, according to Peggy Post from the Emily Post Institute. One Envelope or Two? Traditionally, a wedding invitation is sent in two envelopes, an outer envelope which is addressed and stamped, and an inner envelope—containing the invitation, reception card, reply card and other material such as directions—which bears the names of the people invited. Although it may seem complicated or overly formal, a second envelope is actually very practical because it clarifies exactly who’s invited: other family members, children, and whether or not an invited guest may bring a guest. It’s perfectly acceptable, however, for a couple to omit inner envelopes.

What’s Written on the Envelopes? The outer envelope is addressed with the names and address of the person(s) invited: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. The inner envelope repeats the guests’ last names: Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It’s also fine to informally write the names of close relatives and friends: Grandmother, Aunt Sue, or Jessica and Henry on the inner envelope.

Addressing a married couple: Wedding invitations are always addressed to both members of a married couple, even though the bride and groom may know only one or think that only one will attend.

Addressing an unmarried couple living together: Invitations to an unmarried couple residing at the same place are addressed to Ms. Nancy Fellows and Mr. Scott Dunn.

Addressing a married woman doctor or two married doctors: If the woman uses her husband's name, the address is: Dr. Barbara and Mr. James Werner. If she uses her maiden name: Dr. Barbara Hanson and Mr. James Werner. If her husband is also a doctor and they use his last name, the address is either: The Doctors (or Drs.) Werner, or Drs. Barbara and Robert Werner.

Handwrite envelopes: Wedding invitations are special. Address them in handwriting—the bride’s, groom’s, friend’s, host’s, or a calligrapher’s. No computer-printed labels!

Avoid abbreviations: Street and Avenue are written out, although two-letter state abbreviations are okay (due to US Postal Service preference). A person’s middle name may or may not be used. If it is, write it in full instead of abbreviating; omit it if the name won’t fit on one line. It’s okay to abbreviate Mr.,Mrs., Ms., and Dr. when addressing envelopes.

Inviting guests for guests: Write "and Guest" on the inner envelope right after the invited guest’s name. If no inner envelope is used, the "and Guest" phase is not written on the outer one; instead a note is included in the invitation or a verbal invitation is extended by the couple: "Please bring someone with you."

Inviting children: If children are invited, their names are written on a line below their parents’ names on the inner envelope. If no inner envelope is used, children’s names are written on the outer envelope. Children aged thirteen and over usually receive their own invitations.

Using a return address: A return address is necessary for the US Postal Service. The USPS preferred place is the upper left-hand corner of the envelope, but the back flap is okay, too.

*Photo courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

Vendor Profile: Calligrapher Extraordinaire

We hate to brag, but it's true that Paper Moss often receives compliments on the extraordinary calligraphers we work with. We'll just say, there's a reason we search far and wide for the best of the best vendors - they constantly "wow" us too!!! That being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise that one of our beloved calligraphers had the honor of working on Chelsea Clinton's wedding. {We're still jumping up and down over it!} Meet the lovely, Megan Chapin Calligraphy, and enjoy a few photos from 2 of our favorite invite suites that we had the pleasure of working on with her. (It was tough to pick our favorites!) Be sure and visit her website for more!

Name & Profession: Megan Chapin, Calligrapher

Years in profession: Forever...I made my mom teach me how to write my name in cursive when I was 5, but technically I've only been in business for 3 years.
Based out of: Little old Uxbridge, MA. I mostly work with brides in the New England area, but I have done weddings for people in many other states including the state of Washington.
What's your favorite part about doing calligraphy for an event? My favorite part is working with the bride (and groom). I get caught up in their excitement and joy and can't wait for them to come and see what I've done for them! The reaction that I get is absolutely priceless. I had a mom cry when she saw her daughters envelopes. It really doesn't get better than that.
Do you have a favorite style? In calligraphy we have the broad edge pen and the pointed pen - among others.  I learned lettering with the broad edge pen starting with the Italic hand and for years was very satisfied with it. But I had always admired the work of the pointed pen so when I got the chance to take classes in 2003 I went for it. I have never looked back. Using the pointed pen is like coming home to me... I feel like I belong with it!
How did you get into the business? I've always loved drawing, art in general and lettering. When I was in high school I never thought that I could possibly make a career out of loving letters, so I became a bookkeeper and had two children and just lived my life. However, I was constantly taking calligraphy classes and looking at any book I could about lettering. In 2002 I took a year long class with Reggie Ezell. He taught me more in that one year class than anything I had learned in total about lettering. When I finished that class I realized I could make a career out of doing what I love, and it took me a bit, but I got up the courage to make up business cards and started networking.
What do you do to unwind while working on a big project? Ha, I don't!  I'm very intense when working on a job and focus completely on it until it’s done. Though I do listen to the television while I work...  I guess that must calm me in some way.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An artist.  Even though I did other things I never saw myself as anything else.
The most inspiring person you know? Maria Thomas. She is an artist and a calligrapher. Her work is AMAZING and she is so grateful for all that she has and for her talent that I often find myself saying "What would Maria do?" I guess that is how you know you admire someone.
In high school you ........ ? {fill in the blank}  This is kinda funny. I wanted to be a punk rocker! Actually I sort of still do.
Do you have any advice for brides? Hmmm...don't wait ‘til the last minute to hire me! Everything I do is done by yours truly and I need plenty of time to insure it’s up to my standards. Last minute jobs are difficult because of that. Another thing: if you have taken the time to get beautiful invitations and had them hand addressed, put some thought into the stamps as well. You're creating a wonderful presentation with the arrival of your package. Make sure that it’s saying what you want it to - using beautiful stamps just finishes that off perfectly. I always say...Invite your guests the way you would want to be invited!

*Photos {Red & Blue Suite} courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

*Photos {Grey & Sage Suite} courtesy of Public Image Photography

Tis the Season

Well it's true... the holidays are fast approaching... AHH! Naturally, we've got stationery on the mind and have been working hard these last few weeks to get a few fun and festive designs together just for you!!!  This is our first year offering select "ready-to-order" cards that you can still personalize with your names, message, and even photo. We've chosen our top 4 favorites and showcased below. If the designs included don't suit you, FEAR NOT! We of course love doing custom work {duh} so if you're interested in something completely original {or want to splurge on letter press}, please contact us!

If you'd like to cross something off your list, and send your loved ones a chic, stylish and unique holiday greeting, follow these easy steps:

1. Pick from one of the designs below.

2. Email us {} with your choice & quantity, along with personalized requests: names, wording, photos, color, etc.

3. We will email you back with detailed info and a proof. Upon your approval we will be off to print!

*All orders are printed on partially recycled heavy cover stock. Colors on screen don't always represent what is printed due to monitor variation. Samples & change of colors are available upon request. Orders take about 1.5-2 weeks to process, print and receive. Rush options are available.

*Photos courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

Meet Mr. & Mrs. C

Over the summer, we blogged about a fabulous wedding we went to in Watch Hill, RI. Since then, we've been waiting in anticipation for the day that we can share more about this chic affair at The Ocean House... and today is that! Ms. Abby Shaughnessy {of Life in the Superburbs} married the man of her dreams, Andrew Capalbo after meeting him 6 years prior at the very venue where they tied the knot. This couple is stunning - inside and out - and we were so happy to be a part of making their day as magnificent as it was!

To lure you over to the full feature on Style Me Pretty, we are only giving you a glance at some of the gorgeous stationery and other goodies that Paper Moss created to help "brand" the wedding.

The guests were invited with stationery letter pressed in the vibrant blue and yellow that was throughout the wedding. What a perfect way to set the scene for nuptials and an elegant party to follow, in a beach mansion.

Out of town guests each received a custom made welcome tote {with Abby & Andrew’s monogram} filled with lots of goodies, one of which was a beach pass for the weekend!

You MUST see the other pictures of this wedding! Seriously, we are requiring it. NOW! But after you're done, come back and tell us your thoughts.

Photos courtesy of Olive Juice Photography via Style Me Pretty

A thank you from Ms. Post

Remembering to say please and thank you is the first step to any kind of etiquette, right? Well, the opportunity to write thank you notes arrives way too frequently. This either means we are spoiled rotten and surrounded by fabulous people or... well, no, we are just spoiled rotten and surrounded by fabulous people. That is a FACT. Regardless of what instigates a hand written thank you, {be it a job interview, a birthday gift, a slew of wedding presents or a special outing with a special friend} they can easily slip off our to-do lists, especially in this day in age where we could just shoot off a thank you text or email! We are here to remind you that it is WORTH taking the extra time to hand write a thank you. How many pieces of "personal" mail have you received via USPS in the last week? And how many "personal" emails have you received. Point made... getting a thank you card in the mail is straight up classy and makes us all feel special. Our etiquette icon, Emily Post addresses (pun intended) some of the most common questions people have about writing thank you notes. We found them to be insightful and hope that you do too...

Before you start...

Remember that thanking people needs to be about just that: expressing thanks. So refocus, reorganize, and rethink the process. Get in touch with the sincerity of thanking people for thinking about you and sending you something—even if it’s a hot pink polyester sweater.

Who needs a note?

All gifts should be acknowledged with a note, unless the goodies were opened in front of the giver—then you have the chance to thank them in person.  An important exception: many of an older generation expect a hand-written note. Providing them with one is an appropriate gesture of respect and consideration.

When should thank-you notes be written?

Write your notes as soon as possible, and don’t hesitate if you feel you’re late: a late note is always better than no note at all.

Can a thank-you note be creative?

Absolutely. Incorporating photos, children’s drawings... anything at all that compliments the sentiment is appropriate. Just remember to include a short written thank-you as well.

Will an e-mail suffice?

The reality of email thank-you’s, much like email itself, is a degree of emotional distance: an email to your grandmother is simply not as personal as a note written in your own hand. So if you have a casual relationship with the gift giver and you correspond via email regularly, an email thank-you may be appropriate. For most other people, the written thank-you is your best bet for an expression of warm, heartfelt thanks. The last thing you want is for someone to be disappointed when her hand-knit scarf is acknowledged with a loud, animated e-card.

How do I make writing thank-you notes fun?

Break up the list and schedule a few different days to write your note. Each time give yourself a little something to make it interesting: music, a glass of wine, your favorite radio show, a cup of tea—perhaps even some chocolate. Take the time to yourself for writing out thank-you notes: don’t try and wedge it in between laundry, a TV show and extra work from the office. You’ll be able to think more clearly and your focus will translate to the page. Above all, try to enjoy yourself. Giving thanks shouldn’t be a chore—and doesn’t have to be if you make the effort to keep it interesting.

We think the fun starts with cute stationery... of course! If you have a large amount of notes to send out from a wedding, anniversary or large party, consider having a custom "Thank you" post card made. One side can include pictures from your event while the other side can share a general sentiment while still leaving room for a couple of sentences and signatures. Badda - bing - badda - boom! What a sweet way to save time and people will love them!

*Photos courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

Evolution of an invitation

Anything custom requires more time and attention than something mass-produced. In fashion-speak, it's the "haute couture" of stationery, while pre-made designs are equivalent to the ready-to-wear. Paper Moss has been custom since its first breath. There is something so satisfying about working with clients to make their vision a reality. The design process goes through many "renovations" to finally achieve the look that our brides and grooms are dreaming of. When we first sat down with {bride to be} Mary Jo, she mentioned her love of Paris and the time she spent abroad. As the conversation evolved and we learned more about her and her honey, it only seemed natural to aim for a "Vintage Parisian" look for their invitation suite... without being cliche. Since we all needed a little inspiration, she sent these photos to inspire designs:

After identifying their color palette, discussing fonts, deciding on the type and weight of paper and getting a general idea of what they wanted, designs for Mary Jo and Paul began. In the first round, we included several options that the bride and groom evaluate and give feedback on. We pulled characteristics from one and add them to another, flip things around, make one design smaller or another less detailed... the list goes on! Here are some of their initial designs:

Sparing the details of the back and forth, the questions, the answers, the tweaking, the perfecting, the printing and yadda yadda, you get the point... their final product fit the bill! PUN intended! Our bride and groom both adored their invitation suite and we were gladly able to accommodate the budget they were working with.

And here is their final "Vintage Parisian" wedding invitation...

And that friends, is how a custom invitation evolves!

*Invite photos courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

These two love birds

Jen and Scott, who are off honeymooning as we type {as you read}, were married this past weekend at the Ocean House in Watch Hill, RI. This happens to be one of our favorite New England venues {have you SEEN IT?!} This sweet couple shared our passionate obsession with the Ocean House and were so determined to have their wedding there that they booked it while still under construction for it's renovation... they even had to wear hard hats at the site visit!

With such a gorgeous destination, Jen and Scott decided to make a weekend out of it. Take a peek at the agenda that was sent out with their invitations:

The hand-drawn icons were a hit! We heart these little icons and will certainly share more in the future. Going for a vintage and romantic feel, we thought that peach, ivory and grey was the perfect color scheme for a end of summer wedding. While the natural twine is a fun touch and adds texture, it also served its purpose and held all cards together, complete with a personalized tag. 

Congratulations to the happy couple! We hope the wedding weekend extravaganza was magical!

*Photos courtesy of Laura Ashbrook Photography

Meet Jennifer

Being that jewelry and paper are two of our favorite things, we figured it was only fitting to dress up some of our Paper Moss creations with sparkly jewels and pearls. The creation and namesake of this very blog was motivation for the photo shoot done by photographer, Jennifer Doumato Lamy of Zenobia Photography Studios. While taking this opportunity to share some of the gorgeous pics, we figured this would be the perfect time to introduce our first "Vendor Profile". Be sure and check out her website and her blog to see that she is a phenomenal photographer of weddings, events, portraits... and now, paper.

Name: Jennifer Doumato Lamy
Profession: Photographer,  Zenobia Photography
Years in profession: 9
Based out of: East Greenwich
Area you serve: The world... we've shot destination weddings and editorial work nationally and internationally
  • What's your favorite part about photographing a wedding? Seeing everything and everyone come together for the bride and groom. They've spent so much time and thought planning the perfect day!
  • Your top 3 venues to shoot at and why: Mt. Hope Farm - I love the rustic farm look; Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA - love shooting in the gallery, the ultra modern lobby & in general the town of Salem; The State Room - the view!
  • Where's your late night stop for food after a long wedding/shoot? Haven Brothers!
  • Craziest nightmare you've ever had before/after a wedding? Mediating a fight between the moms, the bride, and bridesmaids right before leaving for the ceremony!
  • When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mom 
  • The most inspiring person you know? My mom
  • In high school you... Partied! {Ohhhh, didn't we all??}

Here are some more photos from the Pearls for Paper shoot... enjoy!!

*Jewelry provided by Dugan Custom Jewelers

Invitation Timing

Congratulations, you’re engaged! You likely have a thousand things on your mind {the distraction of your sparkly new friend isn’t helping you stay focused} we thought that we’d help a sister out and clear up one aspect of the planning process: the timing of wedding correspondence. Ah yes, we at Paper Moss delight in this aspect, and we want to make it as fun for you {the bride, mother of the bride, friend of the bride, whomever you are} as possible. If you decide to go with CUSTOM INVITES, leave as much time for the design process as possible. Each project takes at least 2 months and while it’s important to not stress out your designer, it’s crucial for you to feel 100% satisfied with the final product. After all, the invites set the stage for the event.

SAVE THE DATES should be sent out 4-6 months in advance. Be creative, set the tone for the whats to come.

INVITATIONS should be sent out around 2 months in advance. Etiquette guru, Emily Post might say otherwise {that's more time in advance than needed} but we beg to differ. We will agree however, that there is such thing as too much lead time. Crazy Aunt Pamela might get it and set aside because it's so far in advance, and forget about it. If you're on the mark to send something out around the holidays, it's best to send it after holiday mail so that your invite doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

A few other things to consider:

  • When you're ready to send out your stationery, please take to the post office and drop off by hand. We do not suggest dropping them off in the blue postal bins, in fact, we discourage it
  • Plan a night with your bridesmaids (they are meant to be put to work, right?) to help with assembly, stamping, etc. Pop a bottle of champagne and make a girls night out of it!
  • Book your calligrapher as early as possible and keep that guest address list organized and updated - you will use it again in the future for thank you cards, holiday cards, and (yep, we said it) BABY ANNOUNCEMENTS!

Keep in mind that receiving the majority of RSVP's 1 month prior to the wedding can help to keep the weeks leading up to the big day as smooth as possible. Non-RSVPers are inevitable. We get irritated just thinking about it, but sometimes, those we love the most, just fall into that category. Consider this your warning; don’t take offense, but perhaps sick someone on them {your most boisterous bridesmaid?} for a little follow up phone call?

ALSO, be sure to schedule menu tastings and appointments with officiants earlier than later so you aren't scrambling for the last minute wedding accessory items.

Happy planning!

Using vintage stamps?

Details make life interesting. There’s no denying that we are detail-obsessed, and it's probably safe to say that to some degree you are too... right? It's the little things that truly make an impression on us. True as it is in many aspects of life, its also what makes stationery so fun. While invitations, stationery, business cards {etc.} are in the design stage, Paper Moss is thinking of all of those special touches that will continue to convey the clients personality or brand. A fun little something that we've been occupied with as of late, has been finding and using vintage stamps.

This doesn't just have to be a wedding trend. Imagine how fun it would be to receive a birthday card or shower invitation in the mail that was adorned with pretty, vintage stamps! You can find them everywhere, but surprisingly enough, we like the random selection on ebay or at Champion Stamp. Vintage stamps are USPS approved as long as they have not been used and add up to the correct postage amount.

This invite designed by Paper Moss {and client} has a fun variety. The bride and groom are represented by their home-state stamps mixed with patriotic ones to match the wedding location: Georgetown, DC.

Hand picked for the SMP Photo shoot were stamps that related to our vintage country chic theme.

*calligraphy by Megan Chapin Calligraphy

*top 2 photos by Laura Ashbrook Photography

*photo above by Public Image Photography

Whatever it is

She got whatever it is...Don’t know what to do. Every time I try to tell her how I feel it comes out “I love you”… la de da da… Amy had that, well, “whatever it is” that made Dana determined to be her groom. True to the lyrics of their wedding song, by The Zac Brown Band, these two couldn’t have been more perfect for each other.

We had a wonderful time working with Amy & Dana on their save the dates {shown below} and invitation suite {stay tuned}. Amy poured her heart and soul into making sure they mirrored her vision for their special day. We balanced out the classic “Garden Elegance” with adding a preppy pop of shimmering raspberry paired with a deep  sky blue. If you love their Save the Dates, get ready to be blown away by their actual invites! To top off the fun colors and romantic design, the calligrapher left us crushing on the diagonally written addresses.

One last thing that we just have to share… through the design process, Amy decided to have us design a custom piece of art {to be framed}as a gift to her husband, which includes a line from their wedding song, “You got whatever it is”. What a fun way to capture such a momentous occasion!  

Paper Moss would like to congratulate Amy and Dana on their marriage! All the best to you both!

Stamps aren’t just for art projects any more!

Favorite subject in school: art time {or recess} If you were a crafty child like we were, maybe you remember going crazy with stamps? Oh the possibilities: rainbow ink pads, embossing, adding sparkles??? Anyone? We slightly resent Crayola for coming out with mini-stampers a few years too late…sore subject.

Our inner-child just leapt for joy at the thought of adding custom stamps to the rundown of what Paper Moss offers. Several of our clients have already taken advantage, and in turn, they had an easy avenue for customizing treat bags, programs, water bottle wraps or even a quick fix for a stylish monogrammed return address stamp!

Fail proof! After all, isn’t it the details that create the big picture?

PS: Crayola, your stamps may come in an array of colors and be easily transportable but they smell funny and ours are better.

Congrats to Lynn & Ron!

While perusing some of our favorite wedding blogs and magazines today, we stumbled across this adorable inspiration board on Style Me Pretty. While the upcoming trend of this color combo is exciting, we were ecstatic to be reminded that Lynn and Ron {whose pink + navy invitations are below} just tied the knot last weekend! This energetic couple was so much fun to work with. To Lynn and Ron: Congratulations on your marriage… AND we applaud you for being fabulous trend setters. Best wishes for a long and happy life together!

Graduation Announcements by Paper Moss!

Spring has sprung... which means graduation is right around the corner! Contact Paper Moss for a custom-designed announcement, or choose from any of the following designs that can be matched to any color combination and choice of wording. All announcements will be paired with a colored envelope.

We look forward to hearing from you! 401.632.4426

Pricing is as follows: 50: $4/ea 75: $3.50/ea 100: $3/ea 125: $2.75/ea 150: $2.50/ea 175: $2.25/ea

Please allow at least 2 weeks for production. Orders of 75 or below require a small order fee. Tax and shipping not included. Here are our current design options:

Presenting....Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Steenberge!

I had the honor of attending Kevin and Hillary's wedding this past weekend in beautiful Bar Harbor, Maine. As a fan of New England in general, you can imagine my excitement to do a navy and pink invite suite - complete with a lobster (which was served at the wedding-yum!) and pinstripe belly band... To see more of their suite, please visit Click on Paper>Invitation>Hillary & Kevin Steenberge

You can also view their vintage postcard Save the Date by clicking on: Paper>Save the Date>Hillary & Kevin

Congrats you two!